Posted on 26 February 2018
Internal combustion engines depend heavily on robust car batteries, which are still as much of a necessity for a vehicle as they were 80 years ago. Modern day car batteries last longer, need less maintenance and malfunction less frequently. Any battery that goes through multiple charge/discharge cycles (like the battery in your laptop or phone) will begin to weaken and degrade with time. Car battery life can be extended for years. If your battery isn’t at least 2-3 years old, and it seems to have failed, then it might be that it’s not actually dead. Car batteries can lose their charge occasionally, if you don’t drive for a long time, since shorter drives can lead to earlier corrosion and crystalline deposits on the negative terminal of your battery. Cold weather can also be a factor, since most car batteries are less capable of maintaining their charge in these conditions. At a temperature of 20 degrees, a battery can only deliver about 50-60 percent of ... read more
Posted on 06 February 2018

It's that time of the year, when we're all eagerly waiting for our tax refund. The wise among us, once it arrives in the mail, will choose to invest it. The not-so-wise will splurge on frivolous things and then look back shaking their heads with regret (we've all been there). So here's a great place for you to consider allocating your refund dollars for reaping long-term dividends, according to the Car Care Council: your car. By putting your refund towards auto maintenance, however un-sexy as it may be, you will enjoy a better performing car with a longer lifespan, save gas money, and push the major blow to your wallet that is having to purchase a new car further down the road ... read more