Posted on 14 September 2020

Having a safe car to drive is an important part of car ownership, especially proper brake maintenance and care. What Are Brake Pads? Brake pads are an important part of a safe car and brake maintenance. Brake pads are located between your brake shoe and your brake drum. Here are some helpful tips to know to give you clues on when to schedule changing your brake pads. Squealing, screeching or whining noises - This can mostly be heard while braking and happens continuously. Grinding Noises - Some brake pads have small metal ridges placed at the bottom of the pad as a way to make a loud noise and alert you that it’s time to get new brake pads. If you hear this often it’s a sign your brake pads are ready to be changed. Vibrating Brake Pedal – If you find it difficult to press down on your brakes and stop your car, this is a big sign your brakes are worn out. You will also feel a vibration pressing down on the brake which is ... read more
Posted on 14 September 2018

The piston rings, on the 2.0 and 1.8 TFSI engines pre-dating 2012 (majority of the reports being from the 2.0), let little oil seep through to the cylinders. Once there, they result in high oil consumption due to burning. As the driver, this issue will come to your attention by way of the ‘add one litre of oil’ notification. If and when this does happen, we recommend that you add a litre of the right grade oil as soon as possible, though you don’t need to stop the vehicle as soon as you see it. If left unattended, this problem will exacerbate. Thick smoke from acceleration, damage to the cylinders, etc. To get out ahead of the problem as an owner of a 2008–2012 2.0 or 1.8 TFSI engine, we suggest that you fill your oil to maximum capacity and then proceed to reset the odometer. The way you will know whether or not you’re affected by this problem will be the ‘add one litre of oil’ notification after having driven your Audi less than 1,200 m ... read more